Constell & Co

Therapeutic Milk (F-75 and F-100)


Therapeutic Milk is a specially formulated, nutrient-dense product designed to meet the unique nutritional needs of individuals, including infants, children, and adults, who require specialized support. It provides essential macronutrients, vitamins, and minerals necessary for growth, development, and overall well-being.

The Problem:

Malnutrition remains a significant challenge in Sub-Saharan Africa, with approximately 31.4% of children under the age of 5 experiencing stunted growth due to chronic malnutrition. Inadequate access to nutrient-rich food and proper healthcare exacerbates the situation, leading to increased mortality rates and long-term health consequences.

The Solution:

Our Therapeutic Milk plays a crucial role in combating malnutrition. By delivering a concentrated source of essential nutrients, it helps address the nutritional gaps that contribute to poor health outcomes. Through targeted interventions and strategic distribution, we aim to improve the nutritional status of individuals and contribute to the reduction of malnutrition rates in Sub-Saharan Africa.


F-75 is a therapeutic milk formula designed for the initial phase of treatment for severe acute malnutrition. It provides a specific composition of nutrients that are easily digestible and gentle on the digestive system. F-75 serves the following purposes:

  1. Stabilization: F-75 is used during the stabilization phase of treatment to gradually restore electrolyte balance, address dehydration, and initiate weight gain. It provides the necessary calories, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals required for the body to recover from severe malnutrition without overwhelming the weakened system.
  2. Transition: F-75 acts as a transition phase from medical stabilization to nutritional rehabilitation. It helps prepare the body to tolerate a more energy-dense diet in the next phase of treatment.


F-100 is another therapeutic milk formula used in the nutritional rehabilitation phase for individuals with severe acute malnutrition. It has a higher energy density compared to F-75 and serves the following purposes:

  1. Nutritional Rehabilitation: F-100 provides a higher calorie and nutrient content to support weight gain, muscle repair, and overall recovery. It is used in the rehabilitation phase once the individual’s condition has stabilized and can tolerate a more energy-dense diet.
  2. Catch-up Growth: F-100 aids in restoring normal growth patterns and helps individuals with severe malnutrition reach their age-appropriate growth targets.

Both F-75 and F-100 are integral components of therapeutic feeding programs implemented in healthcare facilities and nutrition centers. These formulas are carefully formulated to meet the specific needs of individuals with severe acute malnutrition, providing the necessary nutrients for recovery and rehabilitation.

At Constell & Co, we recognize the importance of F-75 and F-100 in the treatment of severe acute malnutrition, and we strive to ensure the availability of these specialized therapeutic milk formulas to support effective malnutrition management and improve health outcomes in vulnerable populations.

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